PreNeed Funeral Arrangements Death is the one thing in life you can prepare for with absolute certainty. So why not be as ready as possible? When you die, whether it’s sudden or not, it’s going to be tough for your family and friends. By then, there’s nothing you can do about it. We are contracted with Red Mountain Funeral Home to offer pre-planned funeral arrangements.
Planning and funding your funeral before the need arises can benefit you because it:
Provides peace of mind for you and your family
Reflects your expressed wishes
Pays a death benefit that helps cover funeral costs according to your prearranged funeral agreement to help minimize financial burden on your family
It’s a simple four-step process.
Make funeral preferences known by contacting a local funeral professional.
Arrange to set aside funds for your funeral with a Preneed Funeral Insurance Policy.
At the time of need, your selected funeral home will provide all services and merchandise designated in your prearranged funeral agreement, locking in today’s costs.
Proceeds from your policy may be paid directly to the funeral home.